Reference builds repertoire and generates value

Camilo Castro | 15 Mar 2022

What is the role of artistic and cultural references in business strategy and building brand memory?

Art is one of the ways that the human has to communicate.

Of an aesthetic character, it is related to people’s sensations and emotions.

Of historical and cultural characteristic, art is a reflection of the social and essence construction and serves as a basis for educating, forming a repertoire, human intellectual and, many times, becoming an extension of people’s personality.

“Art is the idea of ​​the work, the idea that exists without matter.”


In building strategies and managing brands, art takes an extremely important role in building connections between all the elements that make up a business context and in developing a narrative between them. The result? A clear, functional, empathetic and perennial communication.

Thinking about it, we developed a special content focused on the main arts and their repertoire-building abilities with the aim of clarifying their relations with brand building strategies:


Biological and psychological influence: improves communication, manual movements, concentration, increases self-esteem, stimulates both sides of the brain and promotes relaxation, harmonizing the heart and mind.

It helps in understanding feelings, in addition to taking the individual to places, moments and personal stories, evoking emotions, showing feelings and thoughts.

Influence on communication: it personifies the brand and materializes its relations with people through the use of shapes, colors, textures, perspectives and looks.



Biological and psychological influence: promotes interaction between people and contexts, stimulating parts of the brain where, with each movement, synapses are made, favoring creativity.

It reduces stress, improves mood, self-esteem and improves memory.

Influence on communication: the brain stores situations that cause greater emotional impact and, as it is linked to emotions, dance can be used by brands to access people through movements and body expression.



Biological and psychological influence:

It is scientifically proven that theater has beneficial effects on health and the the WHO – World Health Organization defines it as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.

We list 10 reasons that make theater a beneficial art for the individual:

1 – Stimulates laughter, which is a great inducer for the release of endorphins and serotonin, reducing stress levels. In addition, it stimulates adrenaline and dopamine, substances associated with pleasure.

2 – Stimulates “positive crying”, releasing adrenaline and noradrenaline, generating a feeling of relief;

3 – It is more effective in improving memory than other techniques, including vitamins;

4 – Helps with mathematics, inducing the brain to understand abstract reasoning;

5 – Stops pathological aging;

6 – Promotes empathy;

7 – Prevents flu;

8 – Promotes social integration;

9 – Improves the analysis of “problem solving”;

10 – According to research carried out by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, more frequent visitors to cultural activities are happier and have a better quality of life.

Influence on communication: cognition and reasoning.



Biological and psychological influence: Different movie genres influence the brain in different ways.

Comedy, for example, promotes laughter and well-being, decreasing the level of anxiety and keeping life lighter in the most tense moments.

Romantic movies also promote wellbeing. According to Stephen Cacioppo of the University of Chicago, the human brain is programmed to love. Love activates important parts for emotions, motivations, rewards and cognitive functions of self-representation and understanding of the intentions of others.

Horror and action movies can increase adrenaline and cortisol levels, making the viewer feel more alive after being exposed to extreme experiences.

3D movies exert greater influence on brain development, increasing cognitive processing capacity by 23% and improving reaction time by 11% within 20 minutes of watching a movie.

Influence on communication: cinema helps to understand feelings and helps to build brand narratives in a way that is aligned with a genre and a context.



Biological and psychological influence: neuroarchitecture is the impact that the composition of environments causes directly on our routine, motivating or discouraging work.

Well designed and modulated spaces impact the human mind and environments.

It promotes improvement in learning, skill development, motivation and creativity.

In the work environment, it promotes improvement in learning, skills development, motivation and creativity.

Influence on communication: through architecture it is possible to transcend the personality of brands with the use of elements that translate it and are aligned with its personality and its universe.

Curiosity: Did you know that there is the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture? It is an academic organization that discusses neuroarchitecture concepts to perpetuate their application.



Biological and psychological influence: reduces the delay of brain functioning in old age by about 30%, protected against diseases such as Alzheimer.

Writing and reading habits stimulate creativity, imagination, critical thinking and empathy.

Influence on communication: ally in the process of building the multiplicity of brands, collaborating with the creation of their universe, the contexts in which they inhabit and how to interact with the public.


Photography and video (audiovisual)

Biological and psychological influence: according to research, 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visual content is processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than textual content. In addition, 40% of people respond better to visual information than plain text.

Humans are naturally attracted to visual content because they have difficulty keeping their attention on a single thing for a long time, getting involved and staying more attentive because they can communicate complex concepts in an attractive and simple way, stimulating sharing, the mind and emotions.

Influence on communication: through audiovisual art, it is possible to personify brands and build their visual universe in a palpable way, amplifying their perception and impacting results.



Biological and psychological influence: stimulates the flow of oxygen in the brain, activity, creativity and the reward process.

Through doodles, simple and easily accessible art, it is possible to evoke emotions and feelings.

Influence on communication: in the brand design process, it is common for professionals to start the visual design from the drawing, which makes the stages more fluid, genuine and authentic.

Drawing makes it possible to conceive, give body, volume and transcribe an idea onto blank pages through strokes and colors.



Mixed influence: multimedia art, or digital art, is the presentation of information in a multisensory way, that is, the use of more than one human sense in the process (sound, photography, video, animation, graphics and texts). Through digital and technological tools, it is possible to create, manipulate, store and search content.

It is considered an art form because as the central focus of the process, art is its pillars in order to stimulate and stimulate creativity, communication. human interaction and choices.

In the post-globalization period, the people are increasingly exposed to stimuli of different natures at once, which contributes to brands using multimedia art as a tool for interaction and delivery of brand value, becoming present on the day-by-day life and maintaining relevance.

“People only connect with what they believe in and businesses without value have no life.”

Camilo Castro – Founder of Camila, Marketing, Branding and Creativity hub

The brain is a territory in constant activity, which must be stimulated and feedback frequently.

Art is a rich source of information and constantly collaborates with brain activity. It connects with groups and people through stimuli and their narratives, which results in true, relevant and profound relations.

Businesses are part of a social context, they integrate groups, stimulate behaviors and can become a reference.

What is your brand’s repertoire?

What influence your business exert on society?

How your brand will mark the world?